Geumyongmun (금용문) - Information sur les alentours - informations de Voyage Corée

Geumyongmun (금용문)

Geumyongmun (금용문)

1.0 Km    1577     2021-03-23

7, Saemunan-ro,5 ga-gil, Jongro-gu, Seoul

This is a Chinese (cuisine) located in Gwanghwamun Gate, Seoul. The best menu at this restaurant is dim sum. A restaurant selling authentic Chinese cuisine.

Gwanghwamun Hanokjip (광화문한옥집)

Gwanghwamun Hanokjip (광화문한옥집)

1.0 Km    1576     2021-03-18

7, Saemunanro5ga-gil, Jongro-gu, Seoul

A store with rooms reproducing a traditional kitchen. The best menu at this restaurant is napa wraps with pork. This is a Korean cuisine located in Gwanghwamun Gate, Seoul.

Ilpumdang Premium (일품당프리미엄)

Ilpumdang Premium (일품당프리미엄)

1.0 Km    2586     2021-04-20

7, Saemunan-ro, 5ga-gil, Jongro-gu, Seoul

A shabu-shabu specialty restaurant located in Gwanghwamun Gate, Seoul. A store with rooms. The most famous menu is shabu-shabu.

Artee Riders Club - 아띠라이더스클럽 (외국어사이트용)

1.0 Km    816     2019-11-27

Séoul, Jongno-gu, Bukchon-ro 5gil 43

Artee Riders Club est la première agence en Corée spécialisée dans les tours en pouce-pouce. Cette agence vous propose ainsi de monter à bord de ce véhicule original pour découvrir par exemple Bukchon, Seochon (zone traditionnelle de la capitale) tout en bénéficiant de services de guide. Par ailleurs, un club a aussi été créé afin que les visiteurs puissent poser et faire conserver leurs bagages, une structure fournissant également des informations touristiques et un service de boissons.

PAULIN PANCAKE - Samcheong Branch(폴인팬케이크 삼청)

PAULIN PANCAKE - Samcheong Branch(폴인팬케이크 삼청)

1.0 Km    193     2021-04-15

108, Samcheong-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul

This is a cafe located in Jongno, Seoul. The best menu at this restaurant is souffle pancakes. Souffle pancake is a popular dessert in Korea.

HANILKWAN - Gwanghwamun Branch (한일관 광화문)

HANILKWAN - Gwanghwamun Branch (한일관 광화문)

1.0 Km    80     2021-03-30

50, Jong-ro 1-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul

It is a store that has been operating with a long tradition since 1939. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Jongno-gu, Seoul. The most famous menu is bulgogi.

Musée de l'Histoire de Corée (대한민국역사박물관)

Musée de l'Histoire de Corée (대한민국역사박물관)

1.0 Km    2181     2022-12-14

Séoul, Jongno-gu, Sejongdae-ro 198

대한민국역사박물관은 19세기 말 개항기부터 오늘날에 이르는 대한민국의 역사를 종합적·체계적으로 보여주는 국내 최초의 국립 근현대사박물관이다. 종로구 세종대로에 있는 대한민국역사박물관은 옛 문화체육관광부 건물을 리모델링하여 건립한 지상 8층 건물로, 4개의 상설전시실과 2개의 기획전시실로 이루어져 있다. 이 밖에 세미나실, 강의실, 카페, 문화 상품점, 옥상 정원 등도 갖추고 있다.

Seoureseo Duljjaero Jalhaneunjip (The Second Best in Seoul) (서울서둘째로잘하는집)

Seoureseo Duljjaero Jalhaneunjip (The Second Best in Seoul) (서울서둘째로잘하는집)

1.1 Km    20742     2020-06-16

122-1, Samcheong-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul

The delicious, sweet, red-bean soup called “Danpatjuk” in Korean and served at “The Second Best in Seoul” has been an all-time favorite since it opened in 1976. Not only the exterior, but the interior as well, is very simple and modest, similar to a teahouse in the '70s. This does not keep people from coming back because the unforgettable taste of the sweet red-bean soup makes them return again and again.
“The Second Best in Seoul” was originally opened as a teahouse for traditional Korean medicinal tea; sweet red-bean soup being one of the main specialties on their menu list. But, nowadays, sweet red-bean soup has become the most popular menu item. Sweet red-bean soup can be enjoyed as a light meal because it fills you up quickly. In addition, the chestnuts, gingko nuts, red beans, and glutinous rice cake that are in the thick red-bean soup provide good nutrition. TIP: The name is very special, right? “The Second Best in Seoul” was named by their modest mind of making food with utmost sincerity.

Onmaeul (온마을)

Onmaeul (온마을)

1.1 Km    20087     2021-03-22

127, Samcheong-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul

A place that sells dishes made with beans, which are good for the health. This restaurant's signature menu is pureed soybean stew. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Jongno-gu, Seoul.

Galerie Art Link (갤러리 아트링크)

Galerie Art Link (갤러리 아트링크)

1.1 Km    16010     2019-03-26

66-17, Yulgok-ro 3-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul

Ouverte en mars 2003, la galerie d’art est à la fois un lieu d’exposition d’oeuvres d’arts mais aussi un lieu de rencontres entre dirigeants et patrons pour rencontrer les artistes et leurs créations. La galerie joue aussi un rôle de médiation entre l’art moderne et le public à travers ses divers outils de communication.