Sejong Hotel Gwangju - Information sur les alentours - informations de Voyage Corée

Sejong Hotel Gwangju

Sejong Hotel Gwangju

8.2Km    2021-04-09

30, Gyeongyang-ro 165beon-gil, Buk-gu, Gwangju
+82-62-528-0071, +82-10-5197-1401

Gwangju Sejong Hotel is very conveniently located since it’s a mere 3 minutes away from Gwangju Station on foot. The 6-story building has 35 cozy, quality rooms at affordable rates. All the rooms are furnished with TV, refrigerator, air conditioner, and desktop computer for the convenience of the guests. The hotel offers pick-up service from Gwangju Station for those using public transportation. There is a convenience store right next to the hotel, with lots of restaurants to choose from around the hotel where you can try famous Jeollanam-do-style Korean cuisine and dishes during your stay in Gwangju.

Holiday Inn Gwangju (홀리데이 인 광주 호텔)

Holiday Inn Gwangju (홀리데이 인 광주 호텔)

8.2Km    2021-04-05

55, Sangmunuriro, Seo-gu, Gwangju

Holiday Inn Gwangju is located directly opposite of the Kimdaejung Convention Center which can be reached within a 2-minute walk. It has 203 modern-style guestrooms, an indoor swimming pool, sauna, and health club on the second floor. The spacious guestrooms are designed for businessmen and tourists alike. Also, it has various facilities available to hold large events, small seminars and family gatherings. Hourglass Restaurant is available on the first floor, offering dynamic promotions by season. On the tenth floor, La Place Restaurant & Grill has a private ambience based on French style, and is a perfect place for business meetings. The Holiday Inn Gwangju is one brand of Intercontinental Hotels Group, having 1,500 hotels and resorts in the world.

Gwangju Hey Party [Korea Quality] / 광주헤이파티 [한국관광 품질인증]

Gwangju Hey Party [Korea Quality] / 광주헤이파티 [한국관광 품질인증]

8.2Km    2023-04-13

23, Gyeongyang-ro 165beon-gil, Buk-gu, Gwangju
+82-62-528-0012, +82-10-5197-1401

I Am Guesthouse has clean and cozy rooms. It's easy to get to the guesthouse because it's right across from Gwangju Station. The guesthouse serves free Korean breakfast and brunch for the convenience of the guests. Rooms of different sizes can accommodate up to 4, 6, 10, and 12 people, each furnished with air conditioner, hair dryer, Internet, powder room for female travelers, and personal safe. One of the most popular tourist destinations in Gwangju is Mudeungsan Mountain, but Gwangju is famous for its food. Korean table d’hote and grilled rib patties are a must-try in Gwangju.

Centre de convention Kim Dae-jung (김대중컨벤션센터)

Centre de convention Kim Dae-jung (김대중컨벤션센터)

8.3Km    2024-12-19

30, Sangmunuriro, Seo-gu, Gwangju-si

Le centre de Convention Kim Dae-jung est l'un des meilleurs bâtiments de la province du Jeollanam-do, il fut inauguré le 6 septembre 2005. Il fut nommé à l'origine Centre de Convention de Gwangju, mais fut renommé en 2000 suite lorsque le président Kim Dae-jung reçut le prix Nobel de la Paix. Le centre a abrité de nombreux événements d'envergure. En été de nombreuses personnes s'y rendent pour profiter des activités culturelles que l'on trouve à la fois à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur du bâtiment.

Marché Yangdong à Gwangju (광주 양동시장)

Marché Yangdong à Gwangju (광주 양동시장)

8.6Km    2021-03-26

238, Cheonbyeonjwa-ro, Seo-gu, Gwangju

Les marchés qui s'ouvraient sur la plage sous le pont Gwangjugyo le 2 et le 7 de chaque mois dans les années 1910 est l'origine du marché Yangdong. Le marché Yangdong est connu aux citoyens de Gwangju pour sa 'grande générosité' à cause du grand éventail de produits qui se trouvent sur le marché et son grand nombre de restaurants. Les Coréens disent toujours qu'il faut aller au marché Yangdong pour acheter des raies et le fameux 'poulet de Yangdong' est un mets que l'on ne peut goûter qu'au marché Yangdong. Le marché Yandong et le marché Daein ont été les endroits où les habitants de Gwangju ont montré leurs esprits unifié pendant le mouvement démocratique de Gwangju du 18 mai. Pendant cette période, les commerçants ont soutenus les milices en leur offrant des boulettes de riz, des boissons et des médicaments.

Avec le développement l'industrie de distribution, les marchés traditionnelles ont commencé à ne plus être assez compétitifs. Le marché Yangdong n'a pas perdu sont temps et a commencé la modernisation de ses infrastructures. La création de agasins en ligne, d'une université de commerçants, etc, a permis une modernisation réussie du marché. Le marché est maitenant propre, clair, et est devenu un espace parfait de shopping.

Geumsoojang Tourist Hotel (금수장관광호텔)

Geumsoojang Tourist Hotel (금수장관광호텔)

8.7Km    2020-04-24

2, Mudeung-ro 321beon-gil, Dong-gu, Gwangju

Geumsoojang Tourist Hotel is located in the old downtown center, just a seven-minute walk from Gwangju Station. It is known as the best "business hotel with expert Korean cuisine.” It has clean and comfortable guestrooms, other convenient facilities, an organized-customer management system, economic rates, and excellent service.

Arirang House (아리랑하우스)

Arirang House (아리랑하우스)

8.7Km    2016-10-18

2, Mudeung-ro 321 Beon-gil, Dong-gu, Gwangju

With a proud 20-year history, Arirang House is famous for its kimchi, which won a prize at the first Kimchi Festival. In 2003, the restaurant collaborated with Shilla Hotel and Paradise Hotel and successfully hosted a royal cuisine demonstration event, contributing to the promotion of Korean cuisine.

Arirang House serves delicious Korean cuisine in an elegant style. The food is carefully prepared by 11 chefs, including the chef who has thirty years of experience. The kitchen is divided into the side dish team, the special dish team, and the main course team to prepare a total of thirty or so specialized dishes. The flavors are enhanced by using only the freshest natural ingredients and not using any artificial seasonings. Prices vary by course, and each course comes with raw beef, samhap (a combination of three special foods), assorted raw fish, and steamed short ribs. The bossam kimchi (kimchi with slices of steamed pork) is also one of their specialties.

Yumyeong Hoegwan (유명회관)

Yumyeong Hoegwan (유명회관)

8.8Km    2021-05-14

18, Geumnam-ro 131 Beon-gil, Buk-gu, Gwangju

Even before the mad cow disease crisis, Yumyeong Hoegwan has only been serving locally-bred hanu beef. The fresh meat, sirloin, and prime ribs are delicious and they also use rice and kimchi made in Korea. The restaurant has a lot of business and group customers, but it is also good for family occasions, wedding receptions, and other social gatherings.

Geumnam-ro (금남로)

Geumnam-ro (금남로)

9.0Km    2023-11-15

Geumnam-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju

La rue Geumnam-ro est un centre financier abritant de nombreuses banques, des compagnies d'assurance et divers bureaux. Durant le mouvement du 18 mai, les citoyens s'étaient rassemblés dans la rue Geumnam-ro pour exprimer leur soutien pour la nation. Il s'agit aujourd'hui d'un lieu de rencontres important pour les citoyens de la ville avec des centres du shopping, diverses performances ponctuelles, etc.  

Grand Magasin Lotte (Gwangju) (롯데 백화점-광주점)

9.0Km    2016-12-13

268, Dongnip-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju-si

Situé à Dong-gu dans la ville de Gwangju-si, la branche de Gwangju du grand magasin Lotte accueille un cinéma Lotte, des restaurants à thème, un centre culturel, une galerie d’art, une agence de voyage, et plus encore afin de proposer une culture complète du style de vie.