Tumba del Rey Muryeong y Túmulos Reales en Gongju (공주 무령왕릉과 왕릉원) [Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad de la Unesco] - Los alrededores - información de viajes Corea

Tumba del Rey Muryeong y Túmulos Reales en Gongju (공주 무령왕릉과 왕릉원) [Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad de la Unesco]

Tumba del Rey Muryeong y Túmulos Reales en Gongju (공주 무령왕릉과 왕릉원) [Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad de la Unesco]

17.9 Km    4601     2022-02-04

Wangneung-ro 37-2, Gongju-si, Chungcheongnam-do.

La Tumba del Rey Muryeong (reinado: 462-523) y los Túmulos Reales de Gongju son reliquias representativas del período Baekje (234-678). En los Túmulos Reales se encuentran los sepulcros de los reyes del período en el que Gongju fue la capital de Baekje, y se cree que contiene por lo menos 10 sepulcros de la realeza. Sin embargo, hasta ahora solo se hallaron siete de ellos. La mayor atracción del lugar es el mural pintado sobre la pared de ladrillo, único en su tipo en todo el mundo, ante el sepulcro número 6. La tumba tiene la forma de un largo túnel y su techo abovedado se asemeja a una cúpula. Sobre la tumba hay pinturas de dragones lanzando llamas por la boca. Solamente las partes de la pared que tienen pintado el mural poseen una cobertura de lodo, y sobre esa capa de barro fueron pintados los Sasindo: dragón azul, tigre blanco, pavo real colorado y tortuga negra.

La tumba más popular es la del rey Muryeong, la 7ma. tumba, y donde descansan los restos del 25to. monarca de Baekje, el rey Muryeong, y su consorte. Esta tumba fue descubierta accidentalmente cuando se estaban instalando tuberías para prevenir las inundaciones de las tumbas 5 y 6. Se destaca por la forma en la que fue construida y por lo que había en su interior. Fue construida de ladrillo, al igual que el sepulcro número 6; y dentro, se hallaron numerosos tesoros nacionales, abasteciendo a los estudiosos de material precioso de investigación acerca de la cultura de Baekje. Se descubrieron 108 clases de objetos, completando una lista de 2.906 ítems descubiertos. De ellos, doce fueron designados Tesoros Nacionales.

Todos estos materiales de excavación se hallan actualmente exhibidos en el Museo Nacional de Gongju. Algunas de las reliquias más representativas son las coronas utilizadas por los reyes decorados de oro, aretes de oro, collares, espejos de bronce, almohadas, y almohadones para los pies. Recientemente, sellaron la tumba a fin de proteger los tesoros. Sin embargo, se puede ver la réplica exacta de la tumba en el subsuelo del Edificio Gobungun.

Gongju Hanok Village [Korea Quality] / 공주한옥마을 [한국관광 품질인증]

Gongju Hanok Village [Korea Quality] / 공주한옥마을 [한국관광 품질인증]

18.1 Km    11825     2023-04-13

12, Gwangwangdanji-gil, Gongju-si, Chungcheongnam-do

Gongju Traditional Korean Village is located between the Tomb of King Muryeong and the Gongju National Museum in Gongju, which is often referred to as ‘a roofless museum’ due to the preponderance of historic sites. Opened as a hanok stay on a 30,000m2 site in 2010, the Village, which is entirely composed of tiled-roof hanok houses and thatched-roof houses, offers attractive hanok accommodation that combines traditional and modern styles, and has rooms equipped with a Korean floor heating system (gudeul), as well as a pavilion. It also runs diverse experience programs relating to the history of the Baekje Kingdom. It comprises six group accommodation buildings and ten individual accommodation buildings. The group accommodation buildings, which are recommended for group workshops and school trips, have individual locker rooms and shower rooms, while the individual accommodation building, which is recommended for families and small groups, has four economy-type rooms which share a communal space, and five general-type rooms and two high-class rooms that are equipped with a Hinoki cypress bathtub. The rooms can be opened and locked using a card-key system for guests’ convenience and security. The Village also runs a number of popular experience programs including Storytelling of Baekje Tea, a tea ceremony program coupled with a story about Baekje royal tea, and a Gongju chestnut cookie making experience that offers guests an opportunity to make tea confectionery by mixing chestnut powder and mixed-grain powder with honey. It also runs various programs relating to the history and culture of Baekje, including programs in which participants can wear a Baekje royal costume, learn how to bind books in the Baekje style, and make Baekje relics.

Bonghwangjae Hanok Guesthouse [Korea Quality] / 봉황재 한옥 게스트하우스  [한국관광 품질인증/Korea Quality]

Bonghwangjae Hanok Guesthouse [Korea Quality] / 봉황재 한옥 게스트하우스 [한국관광 품질인증/Korea Quality]

18.6 Km    20     2023-04-13

8, Keunsaem 3-gil, Gongju-si, Chungcheongnam-do

Bonghwangjae Hanok Guesthouse exemplifies the quintessential hanok (traditional Korean house) experience. It is housed in a remodeled modern hanok, built in the 1960s. There are 4 rooms in total. The biggest room is a two-story room with an attic space. It can accommodate up to 4 guests, making it the favorite of family travelers. The room at the very end is the smallest room, but has an open narrow floor space that is ideal for some quiet time facing the courtyard. It can accommodate up to 3 guests. The other two rooms are small and comfortable, fit for 2 to 3 guests. Each room is equipped with a bathroom. The wooden-floored hall, kitchen, courtyard, and backyard are common areas used by all guests. Guests can also sign up for “Gongju Old City Tour on Foot,” which is led by the owner of the house. Complimentary breakfast includes toast, jam, eggs, cereal, and milk. A package program offers snapshot photography from a professional photographer for those staying in this guesthouse. The guesthouse lies only 5 min away from the Chungcheonggamyeong Provincial Office Site and Daetongsa Temple Site by foot, while Sanseong Market, Gongsanseong Fortress, and former Missionary House are reachable in 10 min.

Sono Belle Cheonan Ocean Adventure (소노벨 천안 오션어드벤처)

Sono Belle Cheonan Ocean Adventure (소노벨 천안 오션어드벤처)

19.3 Km    39642     2022-09-19

Jonghaphyuyangji-ro 200, Seongnam-myeon, Dongnam-gu, Cheonan-si, Chungcheongnam-do

Sono Belle Cheonan Ocean Adventure es un resort situado en la ciudad de Cheonan. Sus aguas termales ricas en minerales como calcio, magnesio y potasio nutren y rejuvenecen la piel. Además, ayudan con la circulación, previniendo así los malestares geriátricos. El resort cuenta con piscinas, cascadas y jacuzzis con dispositivos para hidromasajes.