Molino de Arroz Saekjang (색장정미소) - Los alrededores - información de viajes Corea

Molino de Arroz Saekjang (색장정미소)

10.5 Km    0     2024-04-06

Wonsaekjang-gil 2-15, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeonbuk-do

El Molino de Arroz Saekjang, ubicado aproximadamente a 5 minutos en coche desde la Aldea Tradicional de Jeonju, es un café único que antiguamente fue un molino de arroz de más de 70 años. El café expone y vende obras de arte folclórico y tiene todas las comodidades de un café, ideal para contemplar las obras tomando una buena infusión. La mejor zona para tomar fotografías está en el piso de arriba, cuya ambientación es un verdadero viaje en el tiempo.

Happydream [Korea Quality] / 행복드림한옥 [한국관광 품질인증]

Happydream [Korea Quality] / 행복드림한옥 [한국관광 품질인증]

10.8 Km    9895     2024-04-07

181-21, Bongseoan-gil, Yongjin-eup, Wanju-gun, Jeonbuk-do

The Dueok Happy Dream Village Farming Association Corporation runs a hanok-style guesthouse situated in Dueok Happy Dream Village, which is surrounded by high, clean mountains. Also known as Bongseogol, the village is a pleasant farming community located deep in the lush green mountains of Wanju-gun, Jeollabuk-do, and is also well known as one of the eight best propitious sites in Korea – Jongnamsan Mountain on its right and Seobangsan Mountain on its left are said to resemble a phoenix('Bonghwang' in Korean) embracing the village (hence the name of the village is ‘Bongseo’). Dueok Village was re-born as Dueok Happy Dream Village as part of the rural village revitalization project carried out in Wanju County. The village has jointly run diverse hanok buildings (ranging from about 45 to 150 years old) as hanok-style guesthouses, along with various hands-on programs, since 2010. The Dueok Happy Dream Village Farming Association Corporation now runs the guestrooms and a large experience center, and only accepts groups of guests. The experience center offers education programs on traditional etiquette, and also operates reenactments of the ancient civil service examination. It also offers guests three good meals a day consisting of rural-style healthy food served with wild vegetables and various side dishes at a reasonable price. The guesthouse comprises tile-roofed houses on both sides set amid a large grassy field against a background of green mountains. The guestrooms feature a simple yet pleasant design and are equipped with ondol (under-the-floor heating) without air-conditioning. The experience center is notable for its ten doors which can be opened by lifting them up toward the ceiling, thereby providing an open view of the beautiful landscape. Furthermore, the village, which has been designated as a rural experience and recreational village, runs a wide variety of hands-on programs, including a Nature Experience program consisting of a forest tour with a guide, Making a Wish Necklace, Walking on the Myeongdang (propitious site), Rice Farming, Digging Sweet Potatoes, Traditional Folk Games (archery, steel hoop rolling), Rice Cake Pounding, Making Scarecrows, and Making a Kite, among others. It also offers Sori Hakdang and etiquette education programs as a two-day course.

Ruinas Wanggung-ri de Iksan (익산 왕궁리유적) [Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad de la Unesco]

Ruinas Wanggung-ri de Iksan (익산 왕궁리유적) [Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad de la Unesco]

12.9 Km    20200     2024-04-07

Gungseong-ro 666, Wanggung-myeon, Iksan-si, Jeonbuk-do.

Comenzando en 1989, los arqueólogos llevaron adelante un proyecto de excavación de 20 años de duración en lo que ahora se conoce como Ruinas Wanggung-ri. Durante los trabajos, se descubrió que el área había alojado al palacio del rey Muwang del reino de Baekje, entre los años 600 y 640.

Después de este rey, varios edificios importantes del palacio fueron desmantelados y se construyó un templo en su lugar. Incluso hoy puede verse la muralla exterior del palacio real, como testimonio de este sitio histórico único. Las reliquias halladas sirven como registro de la construcción del palacio real y el estilo de vida del rey.

Otros descubrimientos significativos en el área incluyen 14 edificios (con el pabellón Jeongjeon, donde el rey se ocupaba de asuntos de Estado y celebraba ceremonias rituales), el jardín más impresionante que tuvo el reino de Baekje, un lugar de alfarería y remanentes de un amplio baño real.

Embalse Oseongje (오성제 저수지)

Embalse Oseongje (오성제 저수지)

13.2 Km    1     2024-04-07

Daeheung-ri, Soyang-myeon, Wanju-gun, Jeonbuk-do

Ubicado en la zona de Soyang-myeon, distrito de Wanju-gun, provincia de Jeollabuk-do, este embalse está rodeado de un precioso paisaje natural y sus senderos de paseo lo convierten en un espacio ideal para la relajación. En 2019, el grupo BTS visitó el lugar para el programa “2019 BTS SUMMER PACKAGE” y lo hizo famoso como destino turístico.

NocWoonJae [Korea Quality] / 녹운재 [한국관광 품질인증]

NocWoonJae [Korea Quality] / 녹운재 [한국관광 품질인증]

13.4 Km    6131     2024-04-07

472-18, Songgwangsuman-ro Soyang-myeon, Wanju-gun, Jeonbuk-do

'As a traditional Korean house with floor area of 99m², Nocwoonjae has been in business since 2014 in Oseong Hanok Village, Wanju-gun, Jeollabuk-do. The name 'Nocwoonjae' means 'a house with a green cloud hanging over it' in Korean. It was named as such because of the green broad-leaved and coniferous trees along the foot of the mountain in the vicinity of the guesthouse. The entrance way is lined with flowers and trees, leading to two Korean houses connected by an open hallway. The guesthouse is owned by two sisters who built this place after staying at many of the popular 'hanok (traditional Korean house)' guesthouses in other parts of the country. It was a dream come true for them, so they did everything in their power to make their place perfect by choosing the building materials themselves, even the tiles. Because the exterior walls are made of red clay and tiles, it's cool in summer and warm in winter. There is also a large wooden floor hall where guests can enjoy the nature. The rooms are decorated with embroidered cotton sheets and antique furniture. Both of the sisters are amateur oriental painters specializing in painting the 'Four Gracious Plants (Plum, Orchid, Chrysanthemum, and Bamboo)', so they even made the lamps with traditional Korean paper with their paintings on them. Indeed, they did everything they could to make this place as pretty as possible. The two traditional Korean houses named Naunchae and Unachae are built on a natural slope without harming the nature. The two houses are connected by a hallway with windows, so guests can sit on the staircase to enjoy the view outside. The 'Naunchae,' which means 'silky cloud' in Korean, consists of a room, an attic, a kitchen, a hall, and a bathroom. From the attic, you can have a great view of the trees and pine grove through the window. Right behind the house are the strawberry garden and stone walls for the guests to relax. The walls and floor of the room are made of red clay and natural wood with a pleasant natural aroma, which is good for the mind and body. The kitchen walls are made of colorful tiles and wood, with a large window right next to it offering a great view of the pine grove. In the main hall, guests can throw open the large window and lay on the wooden floor to look at the nature and enjoy the breeze. The 'Unachae,' which means 'beautiful cloud' in Korean, consists of tea room, guestroom, kitchen, hall, and bathroom. It's very similar to the 'Naunchae,' except for the long window next to the kitchen and a table underneath it. The guesthouse sometimes offers special discounts, so be sure to ask about them when booking a room. There are different types of flowers in the front yard, including cosmos, rose moss, and cockscomb. The sisters also grow corn, sorghum, strawberries, persimmon, jujube, and plum trees there. In the harvest season, guests can pick and try the fruits and vegetables. The sisters also offer a number of experience programs, such as Oriental painting class where you can grind the ink stick and paint the Four Gracious Plants on traditional Korean paper and tea class where you can try the tea made of the persimmon leaves and flowers grown by the owners. Breakfast includes toast, jam, and milk. There is a kitchen, so you can cook whatever you want. Popular tourist destinations in the vicinity of the guesthouse include Songgwangsa Temple and Wibongsa Temple as well as the 60m-high Wibong Falls, one of the Eight Views of Wansan Mountain. Jeonju Hanok Village is a 20-minute ride from the guesthouse.

Aldea Tradicional Oseong (오성한옥마을)

13.5 Km    1     2024-04-06

Daeheung-ri, Soyang-myeon, Wanju-gun, Jeonbuk-do

Rodeada por los montes Jongnamsan y Wibongsan, la Aldea Tradicional Oseong cuenta con unas 20 casas al estilo hanok en un envidiable entorno natural. Se trata de un área residencial real, con instalaciones como cafeterías, galerías y senderos forestales, perfectos para experimentar de cerca la cultura tradicional coreana. Entre sus lugares predilectos está la Casa Awon, que apareció en el programa “2019 BTS SUMMER PACKAGE”. En particular, el sitio ganó popularidad luego de la visita del grupo BTS al embalse Oseongje y a la fortaleza Wibongsanseong. La Casa Awon originalmente estaba en la ciudad de Jinju, en la provincia de Gyeongsangnam-do, pero fue trasladada a su ubicación actual, en la Aldea Tradicional Oseong. Construida hace unos 250 años, es un testimonio perfecto de la vida cotidiana de los eruditos durante la dinastía Joseon.

Festival de los Diez Millones de Crisantemos de Iksan (익산천만송이국화축제)

Festival de los Diez Millones de Crisantemos de Iksan (익산천만송이국화축제)

14.2 Km    26510     2024-04-07

Hana-ro 322, Iksan-si, Jeonbuk-do.

El festival anual de los 10 millones de crisantemos se celebra a finales de octubre o principios de noviembre en la ciudad de Iksan. Está formado por una exposición sobre crisantemos al aire libre, un concurso de manualidades con crisantemos, actuaciones y otras actividades.

Fortaleza Wibongsanseong (위봉산성)

Fortaleza Wibongsanseong (위봉산성)

14.4 Km    24445     2024-04-06

Daeheung-ri, Soyang-myeon, Wanju-gun, Jeonbuk-do

Esta fortaleza fue completada en 1675, el primer año de reinado de Sukjong (1674-1720), de la dinastía Joseon. Tenía un propósito defensivo o para uso en emergencias, como depósito eventual del retrato del rey Taejo (fundador de la dinastía), que se guardaba en el santuario Gyeonggijeon de Jeonju, en caso de necesidad. De hecho, eso tuvo que hacerse durante la Rebelión Campesina Donghak de 1894, que ocupó la ciudad de Jeonju. La muralla original de la fortaleza tenía entre 4 y 5 metros de altura, 3 metros de ancho y una extensión de 16 km, junto con tres puertas principales (la del Este, la del Oeste y la del Norte). Solo el arco de piedra de la Puerta del Oeste permanece en pie. En los alrededores de la fortaleza también se encuentran el templo Wibongsa y las cascadas Wibong, que son uno de los 8 Paisajes de Jeonju.

MOAKSAN MOTEL [Korea Quality] / 모악산 모텔 [한국관광 품질인증]

MOAKSAN MOTEL [Korea Quality] / 모악산 모텔 [한국관광 품질인증]

14.6 Km    25438     2024-04-07

104-10, Moaksan-gil, Gui-myeon, Wanju_Gun, Jeonbuk-do, Korea

The Moaksan Motel is located in the tourism complex at Moaksan Mountain. Newly refurbished and re-opened, it is known as a clean, cozy hotel offering a high standard of customer satisfaction. The tourism complex comprises a large public parking lot, local food restaurants, and a football pitch among other facilities. Moaksan Mountain is a popular hiking destination among hikers and the people of Jeonju. In addition, the hotel is just three minutes’ walk from the Jeonbuk Province Art Museum, while Gui Reservoir, where the National Canoe Championships is held by the Korea Canoe Federation, is situated in front of the hotel. The hotel also offers easy access to public transportation as the bus stop (Bus No. 970) is situated in the tourism complex, allowing guests to travel directly to Jeonju Bus Terminal.

Nambu Agutang (남부아구탕)

14.9 Km    269     2024-04-07

Inbuk-ro 4(sa)-gil 60-8, Iksan-si, Jeonbuk-do.

Nambu Agutang is a famous restaurant for specializing in preparing blackmouth goosefish in Iksan.
Although the exterior seems a bit run down, the interior is neatly organized.
Interestingly enough, there is a survey on service level of each serving staff in front of register for diners to speak out their opinions.
Thus, you will find great service and of course, the taste of food is superb without a doubt.
For the past seven years, the prices for dishes have not changed even with inflation, and the owner even donates a portion of the profits the community and the less fortunate.
Overall an outstanding restaurant.