Bungmakgol (북막골) - Los alrededores - información de viajes Corea

Bungmakgol (북막골)

Bungmakgol (북막골)

1.5 Km    6248     2021-03-24

124-6, Samcheong-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul

This is where you can enjoy Bossam (Korean boiled pork with cabbage or lettuce wraps) with roasted garlic. This restaurant's signature menu is napa wraps with pork. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Jongno-gu, Seoul.

Suje Beotgalbi (수제벗갈비)

Suje Beotgalbi (수제벗갈비)

1.5 Km    154     2021-03-18

79, Daehak-ro, 8ga-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul,

A Korean BBQ restaurant. The best menu at this restaurant is grilled spareribs. This is a Korean cuisine located in Daehak-ro, Seoul.

Inwoohouse [Korea Quality] / 인우하우스 [한국관광 품질인증]

Inwoohouse [Korea Quality] / 인우하우스 [한국관광 품질인증]

1.5 Km    34542     2023-04-13

9, Gyedong 6-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul

Run by a couple hailing from Bukchon, Inwoo House is located in an alleyway in Gye-dong, Jongno-gu, which is part of Bukchon that is well-known for old hanok houses. Inwoo House, meaning 'the house of Inwoo,' is inhabited by the owner couple and eight-year-old son Inwoo and his younger brother Yeonwoo. The couple, who have always lived in Bukchon, moved to Inwoo House in 2010; their parents run another guesthouse -- Yeonwoo House -- in Gahoe-dong, which isn’t far from Inwoo House. These two hanok guesthouses seek to provide guests with an opportunity to experience the true aspect of traditional Korean house amid the natural environment. Inwoo House, which has the typical style of hanok in the area, features a cozy yard, a toenmaru (narrow wooden porch running along the outside of the building), and several charming decorative items. It has three rooms – Tokki-bang and Haejanggeum-bang situated in Sarangchae (a detached building) and Nori-bang, which is a communal space. Due to its quiet location, guests can enjoy relaxation with a serene atmosphere in their rooms, which are decorated with calligraphic works and furniture inlaid with mother-of-pearl in a simple way. Each room is equipped with a bathroom. The guesthouse offers breakfast such as toast or tteokguk (rice cake soup). Inwoo House is an ideal place to stay for guests with children as the owner couple have children with whom children can play in the alley, yard, or toenmaru with an interesting hanok environment. The guesthouse also provides various traditional activities including traditional Korean clothes experience, traditional Hanji (Korean paper) craft experience, traditional knot bracelet making, and fan decorating, which are popular among foreign tourists and children. It is adjacent to restaurants, coffee shops, convenience store, and other tourist attractions including Gyeongbokgung Palace, Changdeokgung Palace, Insa-dong, and Samcheong-dong.

Festival Internacional de Danza de Seúl SIDance (서울세계무용축제 SIDance)

Festival Internacional de Danza de Seúl SIDance (서울세계무용축제 SIDance)

1.5 Km    19985     2023-12-21

Daehak-ro 10-gil 17, Jongno-gu, Seúl.

El Festival Internacional de Danza de Seúl SIDance fue creado por la Sede Seúl del Consejo Internacional de Danza de la Unesco en 1998 como un canal adecuado para presentar la danza coreana a los escenarios mundial y, a la vez, las tendencias mundiales a la escena coreana. La danza coreana había experimentado una grave carencia de intercambio internacional, pero esto ha sido subsanado en cierta medida con la formación de la Sede Seúl en 1996. El Festival en sí mismo cuenta con varias actividades para promover la danza coreana. Existe una estrecha cooperación con agencias oficiales como el Ministerio de Cultura, Deporte y Turismo, el Ayuntamiento de Seúl, la Korea Foundation y la Fundación de Seúl para las Artes y la Cultura, a lo que se suman diversas embajadas y organizaciones gubernamentales internacionales.

Onmaeul (온마을)

Onmaeul (온마을)

1.5 Km    20087     2021-03-22

127, Samcheong-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul

A place that sells dishes made with beans, which are good for the health. This restaurant's signature menu is pureed soybean stew. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Jongno-gu, Seoul.

Seoureseo Duljjaero Jalhaneunjip (The Second Best in Seoul) (서울서둘째로잘하는집)

Seoureseo Duljjaero Jalhaneunjip (The Second Best in Seoul) (서울서둘째로잘하는집)

1.5 Km    20742     2021-04-06

122-1, Samcheong-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul

The delicious, sweet, red-bean soup called “Danpatjuk” in Korean and served at “The Second Best in Seoul” has been an all-time favorite since it opened in 1976. Not only the exterior, but the interior as well, is very simple and modest, similar to a teahouse in the '70s. This does not keep people from coming back because the unforgettable taste of the sweet red-bean soup makes them return again and again.
“The Second Best in Seoul” was originally opened as a teahouse for traditional Korean medicinal tea; sweet red-bean soup being one of the main specialties on their menu list. But, nowadays, sweet red-bean soup has become the most popular menu item. Sweet red-bean soup can be enjoyed as a light meal because it fills you up quickly. In addition, the chestnuts, gingko nuts, red beans, and glutinous rice cake that are in the thick red-bean soup provide good nutrition. TIP: The name is very special, right? “The Second Best in Seoul” was named by their modest mind of making food with utmost sincerity.

Teatro de Arte Daehangno (대학로예술극장)

1.5 Km    1376     2021-04-23

Daehak-ro 10-gil 17, Jongno-gu, Seúl.

Es un teatro que consta de 2 salones de actuación: un salón grande con 504 asientos y un salón pequeño de 150 asientos. El salón grande consta de por 2 pisos con asientos en forma de abanico. La poca distancia existente entre los asientos y el escenario permite una interacción más activa con el público, que es una de las principales características del teatro contemporáneo.

Kongnamul Jangsu (콩나물장수)

Kongnamul Jangsu (콩나물장수)

1.5 Km    149     2021-03-18

94, Dongsung-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul

This is a Korean cuisine located in Daehak-ro, Seoul. The best menu at this restaurant is stir-fried bean sprouts and pork. Kongbul (bulgogi with bean sprouts) is a spicy dish of fried pork with bean sprouts.

Palacio Changdeokgung y Jardín Huwon (창덕궁과 후원) [Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad de la Unesco]

Palacio Changdeokgung y Jardín Huwon (창덕궁과 후원) [Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad de la Unesco]

1.5 Km    49361     2024-06-04

Yulgok-ro 99, Jongno-gu, Seúl

El palacio Changdeokgung se compone de un espacio para el oficio de los funcionarios públicos, la residencia del rey y el jardín de la parte posterior. El palacio Changdeokgung es el único palacio que preserva el estilo arquitectónico de la dinastía Joseon. El jardín posterior, Huwon, utilizado por el monarca como lugar de descanso, tiene árboles de 300 años de edad, un estanque y un pabellón organizados en forma armoniosa con la naturaleza.

Entrando por la puerta Donhwamun se accede al interior del palacio, y allí aparece el puente Geumcheongyo hacia la derecha. Construido durante el 11er. año del gobierno del rey Taejong (1411), este puente de piedra es el más antiguo en su estilo que quedan en pie dentro de Seúl. La entrada a Injeongjeon (la cámara de la audiencia real) se encuentra al final de este puente y la cresta del techo de la cámara está decorada con figuras de flores. Estas figuras fueron añadidas por el gobierno colonial japonés para avergonzar a la familia real y no se las puede ver en ningún otro techo. Sobre cada alero del techo de Injeongjeon se colocaron nueve estatuas. Estas estatuas eran para ahuyentar los malos espíritus y el número de ellas difiere entre las edificaciones: cinco sobre cada alero del techo del Portal Jinseonmun y siete en la puerta Donhwamun. Detrás de la puerta derecha de Injeongjeon, se halla la cámara oficial del rey denominada Seonjeongjeon. Solo para este palacio se utilizaron tejas azules, lo que da a comprender el significado de las tejas azules de Cheong Wa Dae (también conocida como la Casa Azul). 

El sendero de cemento que se extiende entre las paredes de los palacios Changdeokgung y Changgyeonggung conduce al jardín Huwon. Aquí se elevan los pabellones Buyongjeong y Juhamnu, que frecuentemente aparecen en fotografías que presentan Corea. El jardín tiene una forma similar a la letra C, con un estanque en el centro. Asimismo, para llegar a Yeongeongdang, la residencia de 99 ambientes de la familia noble de los más altos honores, uno debe pasar obligatoriamente por la puerta Bullomun hecha con una roca tallada en forma de C.

Jaws Basket (조스바스켓)

Jaws Basket (조스바스켓)

1.6 Km    63     2021-03-24

86, Dongsung-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul

You can enjoy brunch in the spacious space and on the outdoor terrace. This restaurant's signature menu is spaghetti. This cafe is located in Jongno-gu, Seoul.