MONTRER CHEF (몽뜨레셰프) - Information sur les alentours - informations de Voyage Corée



0m    60     2021-03-30

346-124, Gwangwangdanji-ro, Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do

It is a great place with an outdoor terrace for family gatherings. This family restaurant is located in Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do. The most famous menu is pork shoulder steak.

Haemul Mongttang Kalguksu (해물몽땅칼국수)

Haemul Mongttang Kalguksu (해물몽땅칼국수)

614.2073123619592m    42     2021-03-24

287, Gwangwangdanji-ro, Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do

It is a place where you can eat Kalguksu (chopped noodle soup) made with abundant seafood. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do. The most famous menu is noodle soup with clams.

Donkkaseu Wa (돈까스와)

Donkkaseu Wa (돈까스와)

614.2073123619592m    138     2021-06-25

287, Gwangwangdanji-ro, Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do

This house offers homemade pork cutlet made from odor-free raw materials/refrigerated pork loin and formed into patties. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do. The most famous menu is pork cutlet.

Traditional Resort Gurume [Korea Quality] / 구름에 [한국관광 품질인증]

Traditional Resort Gurume [Korea Quality] / 구름에 [한국관광 품질인증]

800.6417813021574m    372     2023-04-13

190, Minsokchon-gil, Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do

Gurume Resort is where early traditional Korean guesthouses are located. The traditional Korean houses were relocated to this place after a flood. The resort consists of seven traditional Korean houses named "Baksanjeong,” "Cheongongjeong,” "Gamdongjaesa,” "Palhoedangjaesa,” "Gyenam Old House,” "Seounjeong,” and "Chilgok Old House." Built in the 17th century, "Baksanjeong" is the oldest house there, and it has one guestroom. “Cheongongjeong,” “Gamdongjaesa,” and “Palhoejaesa” were built in the 18th century, whereas "Seounjeong,” "Gyenam Old House,” and "Chilgok Old House" were built in the 19th century. For this reason, the traditional Korean houses look slightly different from each other with one thing in common: they were all renovated and equipped with comfortable modern facilities while preserving most of the features of a traditional Korean house. All the guestrooms are furnished with bathroom with shower and air conditioning system. A hi-tech security system is also installed to ensure the safety of the guests. In addition to Gurume Resort, Happy Traditional Village also has a book café housed in a traditional Korean house as well as dining restaurant, experience rooms, and plaza, allowing the visitors to lodge and engage in a wide range of activities. There is a special package for staying at an old traditional Korean house and using the auxiliary facilities. For more information on various events and news, please visit the Happy Traditional Village website.

Musée folklorique d'Andong (안동민속박물관)

Musée folklorique d'Andong (안동민속박물관)

1.6 Km    2732     2021-07-13

13, Minsokchon-gil, Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do

Le musée municipal folklorique de Andong vous permet de découvrir la culture confucéenne et divers aspects de la vie quotidienne dans un cadre authentique, tout en vous proposant de participer vous-même à des jeux folkloriques.

Le musée comporte trois salles d’exposition.
La première vous montre le parcours de la vie allant de la naissance jusqu’à l’enfance. Puis, dans la deuxième salle sont exposées les étapes suivantes comme le passage à l’âge adulte, la mort et les funérailles. Enfin, la troisième salle représente la vie quotidienne et des jeux traditionnels en miniature.

Le nombre d’articles conservés dans ce musée s’élève à 3.700, y compris des anciens outils agricoles et métiers à tisser. Vous pourrez également regarder des documentaires sur ces sujets dans une salle de projection.

Après avoir visité le musée, vous pourrez aussi vous détendre en plein air : un parc a été aménagé avec des maisons folkloriques et des trésors culturels près du barrage. Ce parc vous donnera un aperçu de la vie dans la région avec notmament des maisons au toit de paille et aux murs de terre, un moulin à eau, etc..

Village folklorique d'Andong (안동민속촌)

Village folklorique d'Andong (안동민속촌)

1.6 Km    4074     2023-04-26

Seonggok-dong, Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do

Ce village traditionnel faisait autrefois partie du musée folklorique de Andong qui fut submergé après la construction d’un barrage. Cet ensemble de maisons en toit de chaume fut alors deplacé vers son site actuel.

De nos jours l’entrée est parée de deux totems représentant des visages humains. A proximité on y trouve un monument dédié à Lee Yuk-sa, un poète et militant du mouvement d’indépendance (1904~1944). Son poème le plus connu, Gwangya (la plaine sauvage) est inscrit sur le monument.

Une colline situé derrière ce monument mène au site de tournage du feuilleton historique 'Taejo Wanggeon' basé sur la vie du roi Taejo. En raison de son passé la région de Andong sert régulièrement pour des tournages de feuilletons. Lorsque le roi Taejo fonda la dynastie Goryeo (918~1392) les clans locaux prirent son parti et contribuèrent à renforcer l’influence du roi dans la région de Andong. Une vingtaine de bâtiments de l’époque comprenant les locaux réservés à l’administation, la prison et des habitations.

Pont Woryeonggyo (월영교)

1.9 Km    27603     2023-01-02

Sanga-dong, Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do

Le pont Woryeonggyo est un pont sur la rivière Nakdonggang. Au milieu du pont se trouve le pavillon Woryeongjeong qui permet aux promeneurs de profiter d’un moment paisible en appréciant la beauté de la nature qui l'entourent. Le pont a été créé pour rendre hommage à l'amour pur et émouvant d'un couple marié, Lee Eung-tae et sa femme, qui habitait dans cette région. Selon la légende, la femme a fabriqué une paire de mituri (sandales de paille) avec ses cheveux pour son défunt mari. En commémoration de leur amour, le pont a été conçu dans le style des mituri.

Lac Andong-ho (안동호)

Lac Andong-ho (안동호)

1.9 Km    20857     2021-03-05

Gyeongsangbuk-do, Andong-si, Hopan-ro

Le lac Andongho est connu comme un site de qualité pour la pêche et la villégiature, créé par la main de l'Homme en amont du fleuve Nakdonggang. Le site est aussi réputé pour le barrage Andong, le second plus large barrage de Corée.

Le site est aussi une étape prisée concernant le tourisme à Andong avec l'académie confucéenne Dosanseowon et le village Hahoe Andong.

Imyeonjae Head House [Korea Quality] / 흥해배씨 임연재종택 [한국관광 품질인증]

Imyeonjae Head House [Korea Quality] / 흥해배씨 임연재종택 [한국관광 품질인증]

2.0 Km    219     2020-09-03

51, Hyanggyo 1-gil, Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do

The Lim Yeon-Jae Head House of Heunghae Bae's Clan was built by Bae Cheon-Seok (1511~1573), Vice Minister of War, in 1558 in Domok-ri, Wolgok-myeon, Andong but was moved to its current location in Songcheon-dong, Andong in 1973 due to the construction of Andong Dam. The house has inherited the tradition of Baekjukdang Bae Sang-Ji (1351~1413) who refused to serve two kings out of loyalty to the Goryeo Dynasty. Bae Sang-Ji is the first ancestor of Heunghae Bae's Clan who settled in Andong. The Lim Yeon-Jae Head House was designated for the permanent worship of the spirit of Governor Bae Sam-Ik (1534~1588, pen name: Lim Yeon-Jae, nickname: Yeowoo) who was the son of Bae Cheon-Seok and a student of Toegye Yi Hwang and who served as the Governor of Hwanghae-do after passing the civil service examination. The house was nicknamed Geumyeokdang after the pen name of Bae Yong-Gil (1556~1609, nickname: Myeongseo), who was a son of Lim Yeon-Jae and who served as secretary of Chungcheong-do Province after passing the civil service examination and fought as a member of the army for the cause of justice during Japan’s invasion of Korea in 1592. With the antique charm of a traditional Korean house, the Lim Yeon-Jae Head House boasts of beautiful walls, stairs, eaves, etc. The windows and doors of the house decorated in the construction style of the early Joseon Dynasty are especially beautiful. In the head house is the time-honored space used as a study since the establishment of the house, which has been opened recently as a little library to accommodate the neighbors who love reading by inheriting the tradition of the house with a collection of many books and opening a bookstore. The little library of Baekjuk Historic House is furnished with more than 5,000 books in different genres including novel, humanities, history, cartoons, and books for infants. You can enjoy time travel to the past through the experience of the old house and by reading books in the library. An air-conditioning/heating system has been installed in every room, with communal bathrooms equipped with the latest facilities positioned here and there in the house for the convenience of visitors.

MUSE (뮤즈)

MUSE (뮤즈)

2.0 Km    72     2021-03-26

231, Seokju-ro, Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do

It is a good place for the perfect sauce and crispy Korean pork cutlet. The best menu at this restaurant is pork cutlet. This Western dishes restaurant is located in Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do.