Inyeon Hanok [Korea Quality] / 인연 [한국관광 품질인증] - Information sur les alentours - informations de Voyage Corée

Inyeon Hanok [Korea Quality] / 인연 [한국관광 품질인증]

Inyeon Hanok [Korea Quality] / 인연 [한국관광 품질인증]

6.0 Km    4407     2024-04-07

36, Hanji-gil, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Région Jeonbuk

The Korea's largest "hanok (traditional Korean house)" village in the middle of Jeonju, Jeollabuk-do has been there for hundreds of years. Today, you can see new as well as old houses there. “Inyeon” is one of the traditional Korean houses located near the public parking lot on the outskirts of the hanok village, making it a great place to stay overnight in quiet. The word "inyeon" means "relationship" in Korean, referring to all types of ties with other people. The owner of the guesthouse named the place as such because she is greatful for all the guests and wanted to treat them well. She opened the guesthouse in September 2014. Since then, she has been kind enough to tell her guests which places are good to visit and which foods are delicious. She makes sure all the facilities including sheets and blankets are maintained clean for her guests to have a memorable stay. Built in the 1960's and remodeled in 2008, the traditional house is neat with most of the traditional features. It has four guestrooms named "Apricot Flower", "Orchid", "Chrysenthemum", and "Bamboo". The "Orchid Room" and "Bamboo Room" can accommodate up to seven people. The floor is covered with lacquered traditional Korean paper, and there are a number of traditional items in the room including the Korean gong. The traditional Korean ceiling rafters are visible in all the rooms. All the rooms are furnished with a bathroom, air conditioner, TV, refrigerator, toiletries, and hair dryer. There is a 200-year-old pomegranate tree in the yard, and a table and chairs right in front of it for the guests to relax on a fair day. The table made of an old door and chairs made of a log under the red pomegranates are one of the most outstanding features of this guesthouse. There are lots of traditional items in the yard with which you can play traditional Korean games such as "yutnori" and "jegichagi", all of which can be used by the guests for free.

Bukyungdang [Korea Quality] / 부경당 [한국관광 품질인증]

Bukyungdang [Korea Quality] / 부경당 [한국관광 품질인증]

6.0 Km    225     2024-04-07

99-5, Hanji-gil, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Région Jeonbuk

Located at the heart of the Jeongju Hanok Village, Bugyeongdang is a beautiful traditional 60-year old Hanok. Traditional floor, roof tiles, and jar stands next to stone walls, while small garden and flower beds reflect the architect couple's attentive hands. As a Hanok with one of the prettiest gardens in Jeonju Hanok Village, it is a good place to appreciate the garden flowers and enjoy the unique laid-back atmosphere of Hanok while sitting on the floor. The place is close to major tourist attractions including Imokdae, Gyeonggijeon, Jeondong Catholic Cathedral, and Hyanggyo. The owner, who was born and raised in the Jeonju Hanok Village, describes must-go sites like a tour guide and introduces undiscovered great restaurants or things-to-do to the guests. As the owner, who had long been engaged in architecture, takes care of the Hanok, the building always stays clean and in good condition. In the shared kitchenette, guests can prepare simple breakfast for themselves with the dishes and cups made by the wife of the owner herself. Luggage storage services before check-in and after check-out, and description of tourist attractions are provided.

Omokdae et Imokdae (오목대와 이목대)

Omokdae et Imokdae (오목대와 이목대)

6.0 Km    6058     2024-04-08

1-3, Gyodong 1-ga, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Région Jeonbuk

Omokdae, situé en haut d'une colline est le lieu où Yi Seong-gye (qui devint plus tard le Roi Taejo) s'arreta pour célébrer sa victoire lors d'une bataille contre l'armée japonaise au Mont Hwangsan à Unbong vers la fin de la période Goryeo. C'est aussi là où Mokjo, l'un des ancêtres de Yi Seong-gye, vécut. Plus tard, le Roi Gojong y établit une statue monumentale, “Taejogohwang Jejupilyujibi” avec une phrase écrite de sa propre main. De l'autre côté de Yukgyo, à partir d'Omokdae, se trouve Yimokdae, au pied du Mont Seungamsan où Chimyeongjasan, sité sacré pour les catholiques demeure. A 80 m de Yimokdae se trouvent un mémorial et une maison. “Mokjodaewang Gugeoyuji”, la phrase gravée sur le monument en pierre, fut écrite par le Roi Gojong en personne. Mokjo est le cinquième ancêtre du Roi Taejo, qui fonda la Dynastie Joseon. Imokdae est connue pour être le lieu où Mokjo vécut, jouant à des jeux de formation de bataille avec ses amis étant enfant. Cette anecdote apparait également dans le Yongbieocheonga (ballade du 15e siècle narrant la longévité nationale et la réussite culturelle). Mokjo se rendit à Hamgyeong-do à partir d'Imokdae (à Jeonju) en raison de la querelle qu'il eut avec le Jeonju Busan (officiel de l'etat gouvernant la région de Jeonju). Yi Seong-gye pensa que le départ de Mokjo était quelque chose ayant été guidé par les dieux afin qu'il (Yi Seong-gye) puisse fonder Joseon et devenir le premier roi de la dynastie.

Village de hanok de Jeonju [Ville lente] (전주한옥마을 [슬로시티])

6.0 Km    16116     2024-04-08

29, Eojin-gil, Wonsan-gu, Jeonju-si, Région Jeonbuk

Ce village traditionnel situé dans la ville de Jeonju s’étend sur une partie des quartiers Pungnam-dong and Gyo-dong et compte près de 800 maisons traditionnelles ou « hanok ». Alors que le reste de la ville a été modernisée, ce village dans la ville est resté tel quel et conserve toujours ses anciennes traditions.

La beauté du village de hanok de Jeonju réside principalement dans l’élégance des courbures de ses toits. Les bords des toits remontent légèrement vers le ciel, c’est la particularité des hanok. Généralement les hanok se divisent en deux parties dénommées anchae et sarangchae ; le anchae étant le domaine réservé à la femme et donc meublé en conséquence, le sarangchae étant la partie où réside l’homme. Alors que hommes et femmes vivaient séparement, le anchae se situait au fond de la maison, dans une partie plus calme et en retrait. Une autre caractèristique des hanok est le ondol, un système de chauffage par le sol. En effet, les Coréens s’asseyaient, mangeaient et dormaient sur le sol, ce système de chauffage était finalement nécessaire.
La structure du ondol, se compose de plusieurs foyers situés sous le sol surélevé de la maison, la chaleur émise par ces foyers chemine dans un circuit couvrant la surface des pièces.
L’architecture des hanok assuraient donc la chaleur pour les hivers rigoureux mais apporter aussi de la fraîcheur l’été avec une pièce centrale composée de plancher.

Jeonggahanog  [Korea Quality] / 정가한옥 [한국관광 품질인증]

Jeonggahanog [Korea Quality] / 정가한옥 [한국관광 품질인증]

6.0 Km    176     2024-04-07

78-3, Girin-daero, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Région Jeonbuk

Jeongga Hanok is a space where the traditional beauty of hanok and the modern comfort co-exists. The newly built Hanok is neat and pleasant. When you enter the small cobbled yard, the porch and the eaves will welcome you, and you’ll find that the rooms are filled with delicate wood fragrance. The interior is furnished with Korean cypress trees and red clay. In particular, the Cypress Tree room is all made of cypress trees, from the walls to the ceiling, making guests feel like they are lying in a forest. Maple Room and Ginkgo Tree Room, meanwhile, have attics. Jeongga Hanok faces Jeonju Hanok Village with the Girin-daero in the middle. Hanok Village is just across the road. Major attractions such as Gyeonggijeon, Jeondong Catholic Cathedral, and Jeonjuhyanggyo Confucian School are all within walkable distance. Omokdae, which offers an unhindered view of Hanok Village, is located over the pedestrian overpass. Jaman Mural Village, famous for colorful mural and cozy cafes, is about 300 meters away and a great spot for selfie lovers.

Bu Yong Heon [Korea Quality] / 부용헌 [한국관광 품질인증]

Bu Yong Heon [Korea Quality] / 부용헌 [한국관광 품질인증]

6.1 Km    11203     2024-04-07

149-3, Hyanggyo-gil, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Région Jeonbuk

Buyongheon is located in Jeonju Hanok Village. Precisely speaking, Buyongheon is the very next door to Jeonju Hyanggyo (Confucian Temple and School). Across the alley are Jeonju Hyanggyo Culture Center and Wanpanbon Culture Center. If you walk a few more steps, you will reach Jeonju Hanbyeok Culture Center where you can see various performances and experience the culture and foods of Jeonju. Omokdae can be seen from the garden of Buyongheon. Across the Jeonjucheon Stream is the National Intangible Heritage Center. The beginning of Buyongheon is deeply related with Jeonju Hyanggyo. In around 1935, the local bureaucrats lived around the Hyanggyo after building 12 houses one after another. Most of them came from rich families. These collective houses were called Buyong Houses, which meant rich houses. The name Buyongheon originated from Buyong Houses. The rooms of Buyongheon are composed of Toenmaru Bang, Daecheong Maru Bang, Large Daecheong Maru Bang and Big Sarangchae. The interior of the rooms looks neat with the beauty of blank space as they excluded unnecessary decorations. Carefully prepared breakfast is served upon request made in advance. Visitors can also experience traditional culture such as traditional etiquette education and Korean paper art. In fall, the yellow leaves of the ginkgo tree in the garden of Jeonju Hyanggyo lights up the roof of Buyongheon. It is recommendable to walk along the Jeonjucheon Stream and take pictures of the colorful murals and the cafes in the Jaman Mural Village located on the left sie of the Hanok Village. It takes 15 minutes from Jeonju Station and 10 minutes from Jeonjuu Express Bus Terminal to Buyongheon by taxi.

Namu Sotbab (나무솥밥)

Namu Sotbab (나무솥밥)

6.1 Km    0     2024-04-08

13-2 Sinbok 6gil, Deokjin-gu, Jeonju-si, Région Jeonbuk

Namu Sotbab est apparu dans des émissions de TV notamment pour le programme de la chaîne MBC, 'Buy & Live Season 3'. Le lieu propose des repas sains avec des ingrédients naturels. Le lieu est spécialisé dans la préparation du tofu.

Jeonju Hyanggyo (école confucéenne) (전주향교)

Jeonju Hyanggyo (école confucéenne) (전주향교)

6.1 Km    6019     2024-04-08

139, Hyanggyo-gil, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Région Jeonbuk

Fondée durant la dynastie Joseon (1392-1910), Jeonju Hyanggyo a été déclarée site historique n° 379. Signifiant « école provinciale », Hyanggyo était un établissement national d’éducation installé en province qui fournissait des enseignements confucianistes pendant la dernière dynastie coréenne. L’école confucéenne de Jeonju était située originairement aux alentours du lieu saint Geonggijeon, mais elle a été déplacée à son endroit actuel en 1603.
Elle abrite les plaques commémoratives de sept confucianistes chinois, y compris Confucius, et de dix-huit savants coréens dans le bâtiment principal appelé Daesungjeon. Composée de ce bâtiment et de seize autres, cette école figure parmi les plus grands établissements d’éducation de par sa taille.

Doldol Pie (돌돌파이)

Doldol Pie (돌돌파이)

6.2 Km    0     2024-04-08

27-5, Sinbok 6gil, Deokjin-gu, Jeonju-si, Région Jeonbuk

Doldol Pie est un établissement spécialisé dans les tourtes à la viande australiennes et coréennes. Leur principal menu est la tourte royal galbi, un mélange entre la viande de la tourte australienne et la viande galbi jjim de Corée (galbi braisé). 

Village des peintures murales de Jaman (자만벽화마을 - 외국어사이트용)

6.2 Km    273     2024-04-07

1-10, Jamandong 1-gil, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Région Jeonbuk

Le village des peintures murales de Jaman est un petit village situé en face du village hanok de Jeonju, sur la colline d’une montagne. On peut trouver des maisons alignées les unes aux autres sur les pentes du village, sur les murs on trouve des peintures de toutes les couleurs.