CAFÉ TERRACE (카페테라스) - Information sur les alentours - informations de Voyage Corée



620.9M    39     2021-03-26

102-2, Samcheong-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul

It is a café that serves delicious waffles. This cafe is located in Jongno-gu, Seoul. The representative menu is waffle.

Museum Kimchikan (뮤지엄 김치간)

Museum Kimchikan (뮤지엄 김치간)

621.6M    3901     2024-09-27

Seoul, Jongno-gu, Insadong-gil 35-4

Le Museum Kimchikan désigne un musée unique dédié au kimchi et au kimjang, et revenant longuement sur les processus de fabrication du kimchi, aliment classé au patrimoine de l'UNESCO. Le musée a aussi été sélectionné par CNN en mars 2015 comme l'un des 11 meilleurs musées autour de la gastronomie.

Musée du Vieux Parfum de Bukchon (북촌생활사박물관)

Musée du Vieux Parfum de Bukchon (북촌생활사박물관)

623.7M    3336     2021-03-27

90, Bukchon-ro 5na-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul-si

Le Musée du quotidien de Bukchon expose des objets ayant été colléctés à Bukchon, village historique autrefois réservé à la noblesse. Pendant des centaines d’années, de vrais trésors dans chaque résidence furent légués de générations en générations mais depuis le développement rapide de la Corée, dans la seconde moitié du 20ème siècle, certains sont devenus obsolètes. Ouvert en 2003, le musée cherche à préserver des artéfacts en les présentant dans un environnement intime et accueillant où vous pouvez découvrir comment ils étaient utilisés au quotidien. 

Les groupes de 10-15 personnes peuvent participer à des programmes leur permettant de fabriquer des objets traditionnels ou à des programmes pour prendre part à la réalisation de ssukgaetteok (gâteau de riz à base d’armoise).

Près du musée se trouvent de nombreuses attractions : le Village Hanok de Bukchon, le Parc Samcheong, le Musée des Hiboux, le Musée ToyKino, Musée des Bijoux du Monde, et le Musée des Palais Nationaux de Corée sans oublier les palais royaux comme celui de Gyeongbokgung.

Galerie des couteaux (칼 갤러리)

Galerie des couteaux (칼 갤러리)

623.7M    2415     2020-04-30

7, Insadong 9-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul-si

La seule boutique spécialisée dans les couteaux en Corée, cette galerie d’Insadong abrite plus de 6 000 couteaux du monde entier. Cela inclus des couteaux traditionnels coréens, japonais, chinois, des couteaux décoratifs, des couteaux réalisés par des artistes célèbres et des couteaux utilisés dans des films. Il y a une grande variété de couteaux aussi bien pour des utilités quotidiennes que pour des fins de décoration. Les clients qui commandent des couteaux peuvent également observer tout le processus de fabrication.

Festival des lanternes de lotus (연등회)

Festival des lanternes de lotus (연등회)

628.3M    31857     2024-04-30

55, Ujeongguk-ro, Jongno-gu, Séoul
• Centre d'appels 1330 : +82-2-1330 (coréen, anglais, japonais, chinois) • Pour obtenir plus d'info : +82-2-2011-1744~7 (uniquement coréen)

Ce festival très ancien ayant ses origines dans le royaume de Silla, fait figure d'événement phare en Corée. Cet événement est par ailleurs inscrit au patrimoine culturel immatériel de l'Unesco et classé comme patrimoine traditionnel national en Corée. 
En illuminant les lanternes, le festival vise à souhaiter également "l'illumination" de l'esprit des voyageurs pour un monde plus serein et empli de bonheur. 

Bukchonmaru hanok guesthouse [Korea Quality] / 북촌마루한옥게스트하우스 [한국관광 품질인증]

Bukchonmaru hanok guesthouse [Korea Quality] / 북촌마루한옥게스트하우스 [한국관광 품질인증]

637.6M    17946     2020-09-10

152, Changdeokgung-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul

Bukchonmaru Hanok Guesthouse is located between “Bukchon Views 2 and 3” on a hill in Bukchon Village in Seoul. This two-storied hanbok building with a terrace, which is rarely found among other hanok structures in the area, offers a splendid view of Seoul. In particular, the summit of a hill next to the main gate of Choong Ang High School where the guesthouse is situated is known as the filming location for the famous Korean TV series Winter Sonata (2002). When you open the main gate and go up to the first floor, a small yard is seen with a group of jars on one side. After entering the sliding door through the yard, there is daecheong maru (main floored room) that features the doors opening in all directions and a high ceiling with rafters, making the space open and cozy. The hanok building consists of two floors – the ground floor is equipped with special furniture, a jar table and a log chair made by the owner, and on the first floor are guestrooms comprised of one large room and two small rooms. The neat and clean rooms are designed in a simple way and have lovely bedding with the pattern of five cardinal colors. Its staff members can speak English and Chinese to communicate with guests from other countries. Every morning, guests engage in animated conversation while enjoying a Korean home-style breakfast prepared by the owner in a friendly atmosphere. After having breakfast, if guests want, they can try on traditional Korean clothes (hanbok) and take photographs inside and around the guesthouse to create interesting memories. The guesthouse also provides a hanbok rental service (KRW 30,000 for a day) and tourists wearing traditional Korean clothes can enter both Changdeokgung Palace and Gyeongbokgung Palace, which can be reached on foot within 10 to 15 minutes, free of charge. Moreover, guests can enjoy an open view of the area including Gahoe-dong, Gye-dong and even the lights of the Namsan Seoul Tower at night from the roof top.

Yetchatjip (old teahouse) (옛찻집)

Yetchatjip (old teahouse) (옛찻집)

639.7M    18735     2019-12-20

33-1, Insadong-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul

Yetchatjip is a famous teahouse that has also been used as a movie filming set. It is a great place to stop by for a cup of natural traditional Korean tea, or the traditional summer treat patbingsu, made with the old way with shaved ice and homemade red bean topping.

Insadong Chatjip (tea house) (인사동찻집)

Insadong Chatjip (tea house) (인사동찻집)

639.7M    36388     2019-12-23

33-1, Insadong-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul

Insadong Chatjip is a hanok teahouse that serves home-made traditional tea. Even the red beans used in the summer delicacy patbingsu (shaved ice with sweetened red beans) are carefully prepared at the restaurant.

Samcheongdong Sujebi (삼청동수제비)

Samcheongdong Sujebi (삼청동수제비)

640.4M    33739     2019-06-13

101-1, Samcheong-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul

Get off the subway at Gyeongbokgung Station (Subway Line 3), follow the wall of the Gyeongbokgung Palace and you'll find yourself facing a street with majestic trees whose foliage changes every season. This street leads directly to Samcheong-dong. As you enter Samcheong-dong and walk towards the Samchong-dong Tunnel, you'll come across Samcheongdong Sujebi, located right next to the Prime Minister Legation.

Samcheongdong Sujebi became a hit among Japanese tourists, after being featured in a popular Japanese magazine. The main dish here is, of course, sujebi (a traditional Korean soup consisting of chunks of dough and various vegetables). It comes in a pot full of sliced pumpkin, clams, and potatoes. This delicious soup is so tasty that there's almost always people lined up outside the restaurant. Other popular items include dongdongju (traditional Korean liquor) and gamjajeon (a Korean potato pancake that uses only potato starch and no other ingredients).

Sanchon (산촌)

Sanchon (산촌)

640.8M    35899     2019-06-13

30-13, Insadong-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul

Founded and opened by Monk Jeongsan, Sanchon is a vegan-friendly restaurant that mainly serves temple foods. The dishes found here are a results of Kim Yun-sik, who was inspired by the simple, clean and healthy diet that a Buddhist practitioner taught him years ago. Now, being a top authority on vegetarian food in Korea, Kim Yun-sik helped perfect the standard and quality of temple food.  

The dishes are made with all natural ingredients such as vegetables and mountain herbs, and are cooked without chemical additives. The actual dishes served vary by season, and in order to meet the tastes of the general public, the restaurant includes "five spices" (garlic, shallots, mountain leeks, etc.), which monks are typically not allowed to eat. Those who would like their food without these ingredients are asked to make their request at least one day prior to visiting.