Yokjido Granny Barista (욕지도 할매바리스타)

  • Yokjido Granny Barista (욕지도 할매바리스타)
  • Yokjido Granny Barista (욕지도 할매바리스타)
  • Yokjido Granny Barista (욕지도 할매바리스타)


Yokjido Granny Barista is located near Yokjido Ferry Terminal. Its coffee is handcrafted by local grannies of Yokjido Island. The signature item on the menu is the sweet potato latte made with local sweet potatoes. These sweet potatoes are famous for their rich flavor as they grow in the sea breeze in the clay fields. The café also offers sweet potato sandwiches and ppaettaegijuk (red bean and dried sweet potatoe porridge).


욕지도 할매바리스타 055-645-8121

Information Use

Representative menu : Goguma latte (Sweet potato latte)

Contact and Information : +82-55-645-812

Business hours : 08:30-17:00

Parking facilities : Available

Day off : N/A (Open all year round)

Handling menu : Goguma sandwich (Sweet potato sandwich), Ppaettaegijuk (Red bean and dried sweet potato porridge)


21-1 Dongseobuk 14-gil, Masanhappo-gu, Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do